Different Types of Wood Fence Panels

Different Types of Wood Fence Panels

Adding a fence to the yard not only ensures safety, but also provides beautiful look and adds value to the home. While synthetic or plastic fences have their own advantage, natural looking wood fence panels are the best for practical uses. A wood fence panel offers both privacy and security and the panels are normally available in about 8 foot parts and 4 to 6 feet in length.

Wood fence panels are available in different types to suit different needs of the user. Some of the most used types are split rail, corral, spaced picket, privacy, and shadowbox. Split rail is the most common design and assembling this fence is comparatively easy. One section of this type of fence consists of two straight posts with a row of three holes drilled in the post. In the holes, horizontal posts are carved and this gives the perfect rustic look.

Corral is an evolutionary design of split rail. This fence also consists of two straight posts and horizontal posts are nailed in between the straight posts. This design is the perfect one for stables and farms. This is an open design and allows fresh air to pass through.

Picket fence is one of the most preferred types of fence. Similar to corral fence, this type consist of two upright posts with horizontal posts running between them. But, one difference is that the vertical pickets are attached on every few inches to the horizontal slats. Picket is available in different sizes and shapes, and in fact most homeowners use different lengths to give unique design.

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Privacy fence, as the name indicates give total privacy, not even allows breeze to pass through. In this type, vertical slats are placed next to each other without any gap. The top of this fence are mostly carved and also sometimes provided with extended caps. Shadowbox is similar to privacy, but pickets attached are of different length.