Wood Fence Designs – Choose One To Improve Your Property

Wood Fence Designs – Choose One To Improve Your Property

Wood fences are constructed for many purposes and there are many different wood fence designs. A nice fence can not only keep pets and children in your yard, and other peoples’ out, but they can also be a beautiful way of marking property lines while affording privacy from the neighbors.

Fencing can be decorative or just there to demarcate a boundary and if the fence is made of wood it will afford some privacy. Many attractive fence design options are available.

The stockade style is one example

With solid and clean lines, stockade wood fences provide a visual barrier. You could use it if you wanted to fence in a garbage storage area or anything else which you do not want to be visible. Pre-assembled stockade fence panels are easily obtainable, making installation fast, easy, and economical. These panels are easy to cut down in size to fit your requirements. This is cost effective.

Lattice fencing can be useful for light screening, particularly if it is used as a backdrop for climbing plants and it is good for partial privacy. An attractive option is to have a solid bottom with a lattice work top. This is usually an acceptable ‘good neighbor’ option as you both have privacy, you are not taking all the sunlight and you can still talk over the top!

Split-rail wood fences are a useful fence style for defining boundaries and for horse fencing and fencing in livestock. They are more likely to be found out of town and look good with rustic ranch-style houses. They usually have rough and rugged posts and rails and as all the post and rails are slightly different in size and shape this kind of fence is always unique. They are not very easy to install, although each post has pre-drilled holes for the horizontal rails to fit into and the rails are tapered on each end to fit these holes.

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Spaced picket fences give a traditional look

Picket-style fencing seems a natural fit for cottage-style homes and ‘English’ country gardens. A picket fence is a fence made with upright stakes, or pickets which are connected with horizontal supports. This type of fence tends not to be very high, and is designed primarily to be an ornamental boundary. Many variations are available depending on your choice but the classic picket fence is made from pointed stakes of an even height which are then painted white. Prefabricated fencing sections are also available which makes it easier to install.