Three of the Easiest Ways to Get Cheap Window Coverings

Three of the Easiest Ways to Get Cheap Window Coverings

If you’ve moved recently, especially into a home or apartment rental, you probably know how expensive it can be to buy window coverings for every room. That’s why some tenants try to get by with hanging such items as towels or sheets over their windows to give themselves some privacy. A lot of apartment complexes and landlords, however, frown on this practice as it makes their building appear shabby from the outside. Therefore, people need to know how to find cheap window coverings that won’t tax their budgets and will save them some money they can then spend on something else.

One of the best ways to find inexpensive coverings for your windows is by going to garage sales and flea markets. Look through your local paper to find a sale that advertises used curtains, draperies, or other window coverings, and if you’re lucky, you may be able to find some really nice window treatments for just a few dollars. Many rental properties will already be equipped with the hardware you will need to hang your curtains; otherwise, you can find simple rods for just a few dollars at a discount store.

Another way to get less expensive window treatments is by spending time on the Internet looking through clearance sales and bargain bins. Although you can also do this in local stores, you end up spending a lot more time and possibly gas than you would by searching online. Companies that may have good sales on window treatments include J.C. Penneys, Sears, and Target. However, some of the smaller companies may have hidden bargains just waiting for you to find.

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If you have any sewing skills, you can go to the discount store, buy bargain fabric, and make your own. They don’t have to be anything more than plain panels in order to keep prying eyes out and allow you to have a bit of privacy. You can also buy fabric glue so that you won’t have to do any sewing at all. Just cut where you want, fold up a hem, and stick it down with a bit of glue. Nothing could be easier.

Don’t let the need for a whole apartment full of window treatments overwhelm you. If you’re planning on living there for a number of years, you’ll probably want to invest in something a little nicer as you can afford it. In the interim, however, with all the rest of your moving expenses hanging over your head, you don’t have to pay a fortune for cheap window treatments.